Welcome to My Website

This is a Sample Webpage, a HTML and CSS template made by ME :-) . Which I learnt from GeeksforGeeks. In this website you will find each and evey thing about me and related to me. You can read my Blogs and can connect with me on social media platforms, social icons with hyperlink are given in the footer. You can also contact me at the details provided in the footer section.

Know Me

In the Know Me section above you will know each and every things about me that what i did and what i am doing right now and also I will share how i did everything and what should be the Roadmap for that.

Let's Know


IN the Blogs section you will able to read my Blogs in which some are about my life journey and some are on things which I just want to tell to the peoples. So go for it and do let me know the feedback.

Let's Read


In the project section you see my projects which are awesome(self praise). They are related to web and application development and you can also do let me know your view and improve opinions of projects in the Mail.

Let's Look

Technical Content Writer

I like writing Blogs; and one thing that amaze me so much is "text designing".Basically text designing means writing the text in different ways with different styles.

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Good knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Web Development in general. Interested in Android engineering, UI and functionality and much eager to learn Android application development.

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like speaking in conferences and communities; and with new peoples.Interested in awaring new things and new ideas. Able to speak in English and in mother toung.

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Cyber Security

Very interested in cyber security. Have a decent knowledge of social media and its algorithms, also aware with the android OS. Still hungry to learn ethical hacks for security and awareness.

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